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    Yinuo Environment News: Yinuo Environment is Invited to Participate in the On-the-spot Meeting for the National Toilet Revolution, and the Concept of Carbon Cycle in Rural Areas is Highly Praised


    On July 23, 2021, the On-the-spot Meeting for the National Rural Toilet Revolution sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Hunan Provincial People’s Government and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences is held in Hengyang, Hunan Province. The meeting conveys the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping. Vice Premier Hu Chunhua, Minister Tang Renjian and Director Wang Zhengpu attend the meeting. Vice Premier Hu Chunhua points out that the three-year action for rural residence improvement has achieved remarkable results since the implementation more than one year ago, but there are still many difficulties and problems, and the time is tight and the task is heavy to achieve the goal on schedule. We should pay attention to shifting the focus of our work from typical demonstration to practical implementation, always adhere to planning first and orderly construction, improve the life quality all over the village, and establish a long-term operation and management mechanism, benefiting farmers for a long time.






    As a large-scale production supplier of toilet revolution supporting products and rural sewage treatment products in northern China, we are invited to attend this meeting based on product innovation, deep cultivation in rural market and continuous investment in technology research and development. As one of the six key product manufacturers selected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Yinuo Environmental, together with six enterprises including China Railway, China Railway Construction and CRRC, is invited to participate in the product promotion of On-the-spot Meeting for the National Rural Toilet Revolution. Septic tank products, purification tank and constructed wetland products of Yinuo Environment are highly praised.


    On the site, Yinuo Environment exhibited the newly developed supporting products of toilet revolution: GRP (glass fibre reinforced plastic) three-format septic tank, household purification tank and rural carbon cycle series products. GRP three-format septic tank of Yinuo Environment has the characteristics of strong pressure resistance, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and strong tightness. It is widely used in Northeast China, East China and the suburbs of central and western cities, which meets the basic requirements for clean and tidy toilets.



    Vice Premier Hu Chunhua (fourth from the left), Minister Tang Renjian (third from the left) and Director Wang Zhengpu (fifth from the left) visit the constructed wetland exhibition area of Yinuo Environment and propose some advice



    Vice Premier Hu Chunhua visits the exhibition of Yinuo Environment and listens to the report on rural carbon cycle development. Through the comprehensive treatment of human and animal manure and farmland organic waste, Yinuo carbon cycle series equipment reorganizes the agricultural ecological chain to “turn waste into wealth”, promotes the transformation of agricultural production from a linear economy of “resource-to-product-to-waste” to a recyclable economy of “resource-to-product-to-recyclables-to-product”, realizes the emission reduction and resource utilization of organic wastes, and promotes the green and sustainable development of modern agriculture.



    Vice Premier Hu Chunhua, Minister Tang Renjian and Director Wang Zhengpu visit the purification tank exhibition area of Yinuo Environment and propose some advice



    Minister Tang Renjian visit the constructed wetland exhibition area of Yinuo Environment, listens to the report of constructed wetland series products, and has a deep understanding of the performance and application of the products. Minister Tang Renjian emphasizes that constructed wetland plays an important role in improving the quality of water environment. All relevant departments should conscientiously carry out the later management and protection of wetland construction projects, and continuously improve the ecological environment through measures such as water purification, ecological restoration, river beach protection and vegetation protection.



    Minister Tang Renjian of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs visits constructed wetland system of Yinuo Environment and makes in-depth exchanges



    Director Wang Zhengpu learns about the application and performance of GRP three-format septic tank in Yinuo exhibition area, listens to the report on rural toilet revolution, and expresses his views on promoting rural toilet revolution in the future. Director Wang Zhengpu says that toilet improvement should be carried out simultaneously with water supply and sewage treatment to ensure that hygiene standards are met. It is necessary to explore appropriate methods and technologies according to local conditions, and then implement the technologies that have been perfected. “We should give full play to the main role of farmers. It is necessary to comprehensively strengthen organizational leadership, change work style, find the problems and make rectification, and ensure that farmers benefit from the policies.”



    Director Wang Zhengpu of the Rural Revitalization Bureau visits the toilet reform supporting system of Yinuo Environment



    Key technologies of rural carbon cycle of Yinuo Environment Industry Group

      ① Water circulation

      Recycle the water in the early stage for irrigation; recycle the landscape water in the late stage for toilet.
















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