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    ChinaYong Group actively participated in the donation of 2019-nCoV epidemic prevention and control, which has been widely and unanimously praised


    Since pneumonia epidemic infected by 2019-nCoV happened, Li Yong, Chairman of the Group, resolutely implemented decisions, deployments and specific requirements of the CPC Central Committee, actively responded to the initiative of CPPCC, took the initiative to help fight against the epidemic through various ways, and interpreted responsibilities and obligations of a CPPCC member with practical actions.


    After the outbreak of the epidemic, the Group specially set up a leading group for anti-epidemic materials donation, Chairman Li Yong personally served as group leader, responsible for the donation of funds and all kinds of materials to anti-epidemic frontline. On January 28, shortly after the outbreak of the epidemic in Hubei Province, Chairman Li Yong had donated RMB 10 million on behalf of the Group for the prevention and control of the epidemic in Hubei Province, which was one of the earliest enterprises to donate large funds to Hubei Province for fighting against the epidemic. In late February, Chairman Li Yong learned from the Headquarters of epidemic outbreak response and assistance to Hubei Province in Heilongjiang Province that provincial medical team’s epidemic prevention supplies were insufficient, and assigned special personnel to purchase epidemic prevention supplies immediately. Since February 23, after elaborate screening and strict control by ChinaYong Group purchasing staff, the latest disinfection products selected by Wuhan Leisheng Mountain, Huoshen Mountain and other first-line hospitals, photocatalyst indoor long-acting disinfection air purifier had been decided. And, in accordance with donation procedure, they contacted production enterprises in Beijing to coordinate the order, and completed the purchase of 10 boxes and sent them to medical team of Heilongjiang Province who supports Hubei Province stationed in Xiaogan City on February 28. At the same time, after several rounds of fundraising, 800 sets of high-grade medical protective suits had been purchased in two batches, and all of them had been sent to frontline personnel of Xiaogan where Heilongjiang provincial medical team supports Hubei Province on March 4. On March 12, the Group directionally donated 400 sets of high-grade medical protective suits to medical team of Heilongjiang Province who supports Hubei through Xiaogan epidemic prevention and control Headquarters.


    In addition, on behalf of the Group, ChinaYong sent to Party School of the Central Committee of CPC, People’s Government of Xiangyang City, People’s Government of Xiaogan City, Hubei Province, Secret Service of Hubei Province, Secret Service of Hunan Province, Department of Transportation of Sichuan Province, Guangan Municipal Party Committee of Sichuan Province, Department of Transportation of Heilongjiang Province, Sub-district Office, Xiluoyuan, Fengtai District, Beijing City and other organizations a large number of protective materials such as masks, goggles, medical protective clothing, long-acting disinfection air purifier and advanced rinse-free hand sanitizer, who has made its own contributions to national epidemic prevention and fighting against the epidemic.  


    At the same time, a series of donation action of the Group had been widely praised by the society. On March 6, Heilongjiang Daily and Heilongjiang Province TV Station made a special report on the deeds of Chairman Li Yong and the Group’s donation to Heilongjiang medical team assistance to Hubei. On April 30, the Group received certification letter of donation from Party School of the Central Committee of CPC. On 21 May, the Group received a letter of thanks from the Headquarters of epidemic outbreak response and assistance to Hubei Province in Heilongjiang Province. The feedback, though delayed by the epidemic, is encouraging for the people of ChinaYong. Chairman Li Yong said that we do not make donations for fame or profit, just to have a clear conscience!



    The Group donated anti-epidemic materials to the Headquarters of epidemic outbreak response and assistance to Hubei Province in Heilongjiang Province




    The Group donated anti-epidemic materials to Party School of the Central Committee of CPC



    The Group donated anti-epidemic materials to Public Security Department of Heilongjiang Province



    Certification letter of donation from Party School of the Central Committee of CPC



    A letter of thanks from the Headquarters of epidemic outbreak response and assistance to Hubei Province in Heilongjiang Province has been sent to the Group




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