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    Chinayong Group Donated Barrier-Free Elevators to Xiluoyuan Police Station in Fengtai District


    Recently, Li Yong, chairman of the Group's board of directors, learned from Xiluoyuan Street, Fengtai District that at the Xiluoyuan Police Station in the district, due to there are more than a dozen steps, some people with limited mobility encountered difficulties in climbing the stairs when they went to the police station. It was extremely inconvenient to go up and down the stairs, and residents in the surrounding communities sometimes complained. In line with the purpose of co-construction of social enterprises and police and civilians, Chairman Li Yong immediately instructed the Group's Administrative Business Department to donate a barrier-free elevator to the Xiluoyuan Police Station, so that people who have difficulty climbing stairs can go to the police station. The Group's Administrative Business Department took immediate action and contacted the manufacturer to install a barrier-free elevator for the Xiluoyuan Police Station, which greatly facilitated some people with limited mobility to go to the police station and won unanimous praise from residents in the surrounding communities.

    On the morning of August 30, Xiluoyuan Police Station held a short barrier-free elevator donation ceremony to thank Chinayong Group for its kindness. Pan Chengquan, Director of Xiluoyuan Police Station, Wu Xianzhong, Director of the Armed Forces Department of Xiluoyuan Street, and Zhang Chunhu, Executive Vice President of the Group attended the donation ceremony. Director Pan Chengquan thanked Chinayong Group for its contribution to the residents of the area at the donation ceremony, and said that they would take good care of and use this barrier-free elevator so that it can exert its maximum efficiency. Vice President Zhang Chunhu said at the donation ceremony that Chinayong Group has always attached importance to the joint construction of social enterprises and the police and the public. Chairman Li Yong of the Group's board of directors has also repeatedly emphasized the joint construction and sharing with the residents in the district to jointly maintain the peaceful environment of the district. Subsequently, Wu Xianzhong, director of the Armed Forces Department of Xiluoyuan Street, and Zhang Chunhu, executive vice president of the Group, jointly cut the ribbon for the opening of the barrier-free elevator. At the donation ceremony, representatives of residents in the district also experienced the barrier-free elevator on the spot, and praised its safety and convenience. Reporters from Rong Media Center in Fengtai District also interviewed Vice President Zhang Chunhu and representatives of residents in the district.


    Pan Chengquan, Director of Xiluoyuan Police Station, Fengtai District, delivered a speech at the barrier-free elevator donation ceremony









    Zhang Chunhu, executive vice president of the Group, delivered a speech at the barrier-free elevator donation ceremony


    Wu Xianzhong, director of the Armed Forces Department of Xiluoyuan Street, Fengtai District, and Zhang Chunhu, executive vice president of the Group,

    jointly cut the ribbon for the opening of the barrier-free elevator


    Representatives of residents in the district experience the barrier-free elevator on site


    Zhang Chunhu, executive vice president of the Group, was interviewed by reporters from Rong Media Center in Fengtai District



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