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    Fortune Circles magazine

    Fortune Circles is a public magazine invested by Huayong group and sponsored by Zhonghuang Media Institution in November 2004. As a rare magazine focus China’s wealth class, the magazine is trying to explore the meaningful world in in the eyes of the wealth class. With its wide readers and fast transmission, the Fortune Circles TIDE also provides advertising resource publishing platform for its agent.


    With its precise effect, Fortune Circles TIDE advertising provides its customers a good income and was warmly welcomed by the advertiser. Fortune Circles TIDE is committed to report the common life and thought of China’s wealth class and make profound study of the typical characters and events and introduce the world's most elegant luxury consumer goods from an acute sense. It is trying to lead a tasty life of the wealth class.


    青柠影院免费观看电视剧高清免费| 亚洲人成网站18禁止午字幕| 国产性色AV高清在线观看| 国产精品免费视频网站| 国产精品永久久久久久久久久| 久久午夜无码鲁丝片午夜精品| 亚洲欧美一区二区三区| 伊伊综合在线视频无码精品| 青春草无码精品视频在线观看| 国产精品一区二区久久精品无码|