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    Heilongjiang Tianshuo Vocational College

    In 2004, the Group invested in the establishment of Heilongjiang Tianshuo Vocational School (the former Heilongjiang Tianshuo Art Education Center). After more than ten years of hard work, the school has developed into Heilongjiang Tianshuo Vocational College, which is a professional educational institution officially approved by the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Education. Its purpose is to build a comprehensive school that builds confidence, expresses love, and cultivates students with morality, wisdom, and skills.


    Most of the students come from poor rural families, and many of them have only junior high school and primary school education or even drop out of school at home. The early development of the school belongs to public welfare, and free education is provided to poor students. In order to help them go to school and get employed, the Group has subsidized the special fund of nearly 10million yuan every year since the establishment of the school 18 years ago, and invited professional teachers to teach students professional skills such as architecture and landscape design, 3D animation, etc., to improve their employment skills. Today, the number of graduates of the school has exceeded 10,000, and the employment rate is as high as 100%. Most of the students are employed in big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.


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