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    Real Estate

    Real estate used to be an important investment area of Huayong. From Harbin to Sanya, from high-end residential buildings to commercial complexes, it has been deeply cultivated, and once ranked among the top 50 real estate comprehensive strength of the Ministry of Construction. After the state issued the policies of “Houses are for living in and not for speculative investment” and “Tranform the economy from substantial to fictitious”, the Group actively responded and shifted its investment focus to high-end manufacturing, high-tech fields. At present, the Group mainly focuses on urban renewal, revitalization of non-performing assets and special opportunities in the real estate sector. 

    Real Estate

    Real estate used to be an important investment area of Huayong. From Harbin to Sanya, from high-end residential buildings to commercial complexes, it has been deeply cultivated, and once ranked among the top 50 real estate comprehensive strength of the Ministry of Construction. After the state issued the policies of “Houses are for living in and not for speculative investment” and “Tranform the economy from substantial to fictitious”, the Group actively responded and shifted its investment focus to high-end manufacturing, high-tech fields. At present, the Group mainly focuses on urban renewal, revitalization of non-performing assets and special opportunities in the real estate sector.

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