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    Education and Culture

    Relying on various resources, under the background of the great revival of Chinese culture, the Group makes a magnificent planning in fields such as public relations planning, media, education, film and television, and strives to create new profit accreting plates. The “Diplomats Economic Forum” established by the Group under support of relevant ministries and commissions has become an important platform for Chinese enterprises to go out; the Fortune Circles, Investment & Cooperation and other magazines invested by the Group have become high-end business magazines; the television shopping channel invested by the Group has launched successfully and achieved good results. In addition, the Group has also insisted on investing in education, and will further increase the investment. 

    Education and Culture

    Relying on various resources, under the background of the great revival of Chinese culture, the Group makes a magnificent planning in fields such as public relations planning, media, education, film and television, and strives to create new profit accreting plates. The “Diplomats Economic Forum” established by the Group under support of relevant ministries and commissions has become an important platform for Chinese enterprises to go out; the Fortune Circles, Investment & Cooperation and other magazines invested by the Group have become high-end business magazines; the television shopping channel invested by the Group has launched successfully and achieved good results. In addition, the Group has also insisted on investing in education, and will further increase the investment.

    国产真实乱子伦精品视频| 日日摸日日碰夜夜爽亚洲综合| 久久人人爽人人双人av| 女人高潮抽搐喷液30分钟视频| 青青青国产爽爽视频免费观看| 国产伦精品一区二区三区视频抖音| 亚洲AV午夜福利精品一区| 熟妇人妻AV无码一区二区三区| 亚洲精品国产综合久久一线| 少女韩国电视剧在线观看完整|